Elisabetta Franchi









EF world

Fondation Ef Onlus


    Fondazione Elisabetta Franchi Onlus - Elisabetta Franchi

    Fondazione Elisabetta Franchi Onlus

    Elisabetta Franchi has always been active in the defence of animal rights, promoting a series of initiatives in their favour, which since 2019 she has decided to bring together in a single project: the Elisabetta Franchi Onlus Foundation.

    The designer's journey in this direction began between 2012 and 2013 when she decided to completely eliminate animal fur from her collections, and then remove goose down and angora wool. The project expanded by financing and building the Island Dog Village EF, a rescue oasis and shelter in China to save dogs subjected to the barbarities of the Yulin Festival.

    The Elisabetta Franchi Foundation also supports the many kennels in difficulty and the many volunteers who every day save thousands of dogs from the streets in poor condition and mistreated, giving them a home, care and then a family ready to love them.

    To keep up to date on the initiatives: Fondazione Elisabetta Franchi Onlus

    For donations: IBAN IT30T0323901600100000180348

    Fondazione Ospedale Salesi Onlus - Elisabetta Franchi

    Fondazione Ospedale Salesi Onlus

    Elisabetta Franchi supports the project "Welcoming and treating pain in Paediatric Oncohaematology" of the Fondazione Ospedale Infantile Salesi Onlus and finances Pet Therapy for the children hosted at the Salesi Hospital in Ancona. The Salesi Foundation takes care of assisting children during their stay in the facility, trying to create a family environment full of love and understanding, respecting their needs: play, smiles, colours and music. Pet Therapy with the "Dog on Call" project helps young in-patients with special difficulties: contact with their four-legged friend strengthens their self-esteem and decreases stress, bringing a smile to their faces during the day.

    Gli amici di Leone Onlus - Elisabetta Franchi

    Gli amici di Leone Onlus

    Love for four-legged friends is the reason for the meeting between Elisabetta Franchi and Donatella. Donatella's story began fifteen years ago when in Civitella, a town in the province of Forlì, she decided to open a shelter for abandoned dogs and cats. Her battle for the protection and respect of animals has continued over the years, saving more than fifty dogs and thirty cats from the street, giving them food and medicine with the few means she had available. Elisabetta Franchi took the cause to heart and supported, and still supports, the small shelter in Civitella which has now become a non-profit organisation, "Gli amici di Leone". The Designer also has a much bigger project in the pipeline than a simple refuge: she would like to create a real kennel and cattery able to house and care for abandoned dogs and cats.

    LAV Onlus - Animals are not clowns - Elisabetta Franchi

    LAV Onlus - Animals are not clowns

    Elisabetta Franchi took to the field with LAV Onlus to reveal the cruelties hidden behind the scenes of the circus. In fact, an LAV report has revealed that public funding of circuses with animals takes place in Italy. In order to raise public awareness on the issue of animal mistreatment, LAV has promoted the petition 'We will no longer give a euro to the circus with animals' asking Ministers and Parliament to transfer the animals to shelters - such as the Centro di Recupero Animali Selvatici ed Esotici di Semproniano in Tuscany, in which LAV is a partner - where they can live according to nature. "The magic of the circus and the fascination of circus art are centred on acrobats, jugglers, dancers and have nothing to do with the abuse of animals, which are forced to perform unnatural actions with violence," commented Elisabetta Franchi, aware of this dramatic situation. The designer's appeal was translated into the creation of t-shirts with the claim 'Circus is not fun for animals' shown at the FW17 Fashion Show.